Friday, February 16, 2007

Don't give up!!

Have you had a day when Murphy’s Law took its toll so badly that you would finally believe in it?

Today was one of such days in my life- Everything possible went wrong almost simultaneously…I was hurt…left to bleed, and pick myself up when I was upto it!

You want to talk…you don’t trust that anyone would be willing to listen!

You are part of a set of friends almost as close as family…yet, you feel lonely in the crowd!

You try calling up an old friend…she doesn’t pick the call!

You find another friend online…in minutes after you ping him, he’s offline!

You suddenly seem to realize that it’s too late to call anyone up…and even worse, you begin to wonder if you have any one at all, who wouldn’t mind attending your call in the middle of the night, when they are cozy under the blanket and are fast asleep!

And, there’s this annoying voice at the back of your mind enlightening you on how worthless, useless, insignificant and undeserving a person you are…you slowly succumb to a “nobody loves me” syndrome!!!

I’m sure you’ve faced this some time in your life…now, I’m gonna share with you a secret on how to get back to normalcy- it’s tried and tested and proved to be successful (at least by me!). The secret would run into a few points (Now you know that I’m an MBA!)

1...Life is a mix of good and bad days- one of the bad days showed up today- Look it in the face- you are no coward!

2…Your belief in God is not a passport to a carefree life- God’s there to take care of you through your life’s cares- send an SOS to heaven (read as ‘pray’), if need be!

3…Your identity is not on how a day went, or how the people around you treated you- You are worth the breath of life that was blown into you by the Creator- nothing less!

4…Count your blessings- If it disgusts you to count the blessings that came in today, it’ll be worthwhile to think about how worse the things gone wrong could have been! (I guarantee a sigh of relief following this!)

5…Stop the thought process around I, Me, Myself!- What could you do to bring a smile on someone’s face? How good a listener have you been today? Were you willing to go an extra mile to help someone out?

Well, once you calm your heart and get yourself thinking in these lines, you’d realize that life isn’t that bad, after all!


Blogger Alex said...

Things seem to go wrong only when we expect things to happen.

Otherwise they just HAPPEN.

Sunday, February 18, 2007  
Blogger Sarah said...

I wonder how many of us don't expect things to happen, and let them JUST happen!! I'd prefer expectin and gettin disappointed (if they dont happen) to not expectin in fear of them not happenin!

Sunday, February 18, 2007  

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